Andrey Zuzenkov
[8] |
Boris Fedorako
[1] |
User 34AD4834249E
[1] |
Shamil Vakhitov
[8] |
Infrastructure: tests, builds, CI, site [Open] 5 |
Documentation [Work] 79 |
PzdcDoc [Work] 13 |
Documentation Master [Work] 3 |
SITE [Open] @TLG 2 |
Obtain access to publish '' artifacts on Maven Central. [Open] 1 |
INBOX [Open 17.01.2021] @TLG 9 |
P: Service.DBA [Open] 4 |
Plugin DBA. Files stat and cleanup. [Open] 1 |
DB structure cleanup [Open] 2 |
Architecture and framework [Open 05.02.2019] 6 |
| | |
Show message on a failed update [Open 14.03.2024] 1 |
Open interface overview page. [Open] 1 |
Enhance UI representation for bgerp.warn.log. Notification on messages there. [Open] 1 |
Table process_link_state similar to process_message_state. [Open] 2 |
App version check in Front End [Open] 1 |
| |
Correct parsing multiple line configuration values [Work 13.12.2024] |
Versions of Configurations [Work 15.01.2025] 1 |
| | |
Support MariaDB SQL server [Open 22.01.2025] 1 |
Handle incorrect request parameters for HTTP response. [Open] 1 |
Group and translate permission nodes. [Open] 1 |
Directory for data. [Open] 1 |
Rewrite usages of ProcessLinkDAO.searchLinkedProcessList [Open] |
Simpler configuration [Open] 8 |
Named configuration entities [Open] 1 |
Entity ID and name configuration helper. [Open] 1 |
Kernel [Open] 13 |
Use ui:toggle for password generation [Open] 1 |
<ui:files show count and total size. [Open] {Beginners, Backend (Java/SQL/JSP)} |
Cleanup user properties editor. [Open] 1 |
TESTS [Open] 26 |
Providers and Servers info sample. [Open] 3 |
Contract management sample [Open] 1 |
Parameters [Open] |
Parameter editors for types 'email', 'file', 'address' similar with 'phone'. [Open] 1 |
Show file sizes for parameters and attachments. [Open] 1 |
new plugin dadata [Work 10.03.2023] 1 | | |
P: NET (SSH) [Open] 1 |
P: Mobile [Open] 22 (3) | | |
Check disk space via SSH [Open 26.06.2024] |
Добавить обработку ошибки при получении списка серверов. В случае ошибки выводить окно ручного ввода сервера [Open 29.12.2023] 2 | | | |
new nav bar [Open 07.06.2024] 1 | | | |
P: Telegram [Open] 1 | | | |
Telegram Bot [Open 18.01.2022] @TLG | | | |
lowercase letters removed from login verification, update lib version, new method optional use escape special characters [Open 21.09.2023] | | | |
Process [Open] 14 |
Replace processing commands to JEXL. [Open] 1 |
Process queue closed processes E-Mail report. [Open] 3 |
String column IDs for process queue configuration. [Open] |
All process types available for copying properties [Open] 1 |
Process Wizard [Open] 7 |
Show closed processes in messages as strikethrought style [Open] 1 |
Extract HTML generation from JS function objectsToLinkTable to JSP [Open] |
P: Planning.Blow [Open] 10 |
Change status and executors with right click [Open] 1 |
User interface [Open] 16 |
Alerts and errors [Open] 5 |
Save process opened tab state in URL [Open] 3 |
Disabled state for ui:combo-single tag. [Open] 1 |
Process creation in menu Process / Create [Open] 3 |
Search in menu [Open] 2 |
Configurable table views. [Open] 1 |, only when logging to /user root URL [Open] 1 |
Better highlighting in config editors. [Open] 1 |
Input fields with placeholder on border (floating label). [Open] 2 {Frontend (JS/HTML/CSS)} |
Sticky app panel and title area. [Open] |
Process type properties editor enhancements. [Open] 1 |
Unified UI message dialog. [Open] 1 |
Rename paramName and hiddenName attributes to 'name' in combo-check, date-time, ip tags [Open] |
ui:combo-singe as button [Open] 1 |
P: BGBilling [Open 11.12.2020] 10 |
| | |
Синхронизация адресного справочника с BGBilling [Open 08.02.2023] 4 |
Extract Java code to action from process_link_for_add_list.jsp [Open] |
BGBilling UI cleanup [Open 30.09.2024] 1 | | |
P: GIT [Open] 12 |
Custom GIT checkout [Open] 1 |
Message [Open] 11 |
MessageTypeSearchCall without commands key [Open] 1 |
Quick add users in processes by writing messages with @ symbol. As observers or executors. [Open] 3 |
Message type processing rules [Open] 3 |
Update process message counters on moving messages [Open] 1 |
P: Calendar [Open] 6 |
Rooms planning. [Open] 3 |
P: Collaborate.Team [Open] 3 |
Plugin Team. User photos. [Open] 1 |
P: Message.E-Mail [Open] 9 |
Test for email.MessageContent [Open] 1 |
| | |
E-Mail OAuth [Open ] 3 |
E-Mails preview. [Open] 2 |
P: Report [Open] 15 |
Export to CSV [Open] 1 |
Closed processes summary report [Open] 1 |
P: Document [Open] 7 |
Global documents [Open] 1 |
Move Document plugin into Custom. [Open] 6 |
P: Planning.Callboard [Open] 4 |
Extract from process_editor.jsp tab's configuration, starts from ProcessTimeSetConfig [Open] |
Extract JS functions from update.jsp. [Open] |
P: Task [Open] |
Change status by date parameter. Contracts and so on. [Open] 1 |
Customer [Open] 1 |
Customer groups. [Open] 1 |
Union change log for customers [Open] 1 |
Related customers [Open] 1 |
P: Billing.Invoice [Open] 3 |
P: Service.Log [Open] 1 |
P: Security.Secret [Open] 1 |